Currently, I am sitting on my couch with my kitties and my husband enjoying some relaxing/productive (alternating the two) time at home. Holidays for us mean getting away and enjoying our families. I leave all my house work and responsibilities behind and head north. It's always such a nice break and wonderful time with the ones we love.
We got in Tuesday night to Allen and (of course) had some dessert. I can always count on some dessert being ready for us when we come in from out of town and it doesn't matter if we drive into the Coopers or the Pulliams - both are waiting with sweets.
Wednesday I pretty much hung out with my mom all day. Dad and Ben played golf while mom and I shopped, ate lunch, and then cooked many many yummy things. They picked up dinner and then we enjoyed several rounds of 42.
Lightened up Sweet Potato Casserole
The most delicious mashed potatoes ever.
Thursday was as you know, Thanksgiving Day, and Ben and I ate our annual double Thanksgiving meal. First with my family and then with his. You see, we've learned that the key is not eating too much dessert at the first meal. This plan was ruined by the
evil delicious
ice box chocolate pie that my mom and I made. It was heavenly. Thank you
Tara. Despite our extremely full bellies (and mine crowded with a baby as well), we were so blessed by time and good conversation with both families.
This year since we had a smaller group with my family, we did the traditional food-on-the-table-and-pass-it-around style while Dad carved the turkey right in front of us!
My brother Keith and his newly engaged (congrats!!) fiance Marisela, Ben and I with a hand on the baby
The women at Thanksgiving this year - Aunt Betty, my sweet mom, me, and Marisela. Usually there are many more but our crowd was small this year.
Friday, my mother- and sister-in-law and I got up at 5:00am to go shopping! Honestly I can say we didn't get too many amazing deals at 5:30am that we couldnt've gotten at oh say 2:00pm but man did we have some extra time to shop! By 9am, we had gone to Bed Bath and Beyond, Old Navy, Ulta, the Loft, Charming Charlies, and probably some other store that I was delirious in, and were sitting in Mimi's Cafe eating breakfast. Cherish and I saw the Twilight movie (so good!!) and then kept on shopping with Pat at Half Price Books and Target. We were so amazingly exhausted by the end of our 9-hour shopping event, but it made my afternoon nap just that much sweeter.

This is me and Cherish, my sister-in-law. She is married to Ben's brother. We have the same birthday. Every year, Pat, our mother-in-law lets us pick out a new purse for Christmas. This is a tradition with a story that someday I'll tell. Anyways, here we are picking out purses. And actually, Pat bought those purses but then we both found other purses at Francesca's and she took those two back. We love you Pat!
The damage
Nail Sticks! I love these things. They are stickers for your nails but they stay on so so much better than nail polish.
And now its Sunday. We left early yesterday morning and headed South through Waco, Calvert, College Station and on to Katy. Yesterday, we went grocery shopping, did the week's laundry, ate dinner and even did a little cleaning. Wonderful, wonderful Thanksgiving break. Thank you to our precious King who gave us blessings overflowing this week.
P.S. Boy or Girl? We find out Monday morning! Only 1 more day to vote!