Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Honest Truth

So kids are infamous for saying the honest truth.  I've come to school without makeup ONCE ever and my students, many of them, told me in various forms I looked sick, asked if I was tired or just plain what is wrong with you today?  Haha I love it though.  Once I died my hair back to dark brown to cover up highlights but it turned out black!  Many of my students informed me that I looked scary, ready for Halloween, and that they preferred the my old hair better.  Anyways, these comments have not stopped as I've gotten pregnant.  Here's some of the comments I've received from my sweet, honest students.

Boy Student to another teacher: Did you know Mrs. Cooper's having a baby?!
Teacher: Yes, that's so exciting isn't it!
Boy Student: Yeah, and its gonna come out, I don't know where, but it's comin' out.

When I announced I was pregnant at 12 weeks to my class...
Another boy student: I knew it!  We noticed you were getting like a little fatter, didn't we guys?!

After I found out it was a boy...
Girl student: But Mrs. Cooper, how can they know that it's a boy?
Me: Uhhh...Well... they just look inside me and they can tell (hoping this will suffice).
Girl Student: Oh. Ok.

Girl student: Mrs. Cooper, you look weird when you're pregnant.

And everyday when we leave, some of my students say goodbye to me and then give me a little tap on the belly and say "Goodbye baby!".  I'm sure Baby Boy will miss those sweet voices this summer.  I'll have to get a CD of kids talking for him to fall asleep!

1 comment:

Jana said...

Too funny! Kids are not the only ones without filters. Just wait for the super crazy comments that adults say to pregnant people - ha!