Monday, November 29, 2010

Sew Committed

Brother CS6000I Sew Advance Sew Affordable 60-Stitch Computerized Free-Arm Sewing Machine

Today, I finally committed to a sewing machine.  My sweet family gave me money to buy a sewing machine for my birthday.  Exactly a month ago.  So I've been searching and thinking and reading reviews and talking to people and thinking some more.  I just couldn't decide!  You see, I don't know a ton about sewing yet (I've taken one Intro to Sewing class and I made a pillow!) and so it made me nervous to buy one without knowing much.  Anyways, after much debate that bordered on obsessive, I picked one.  It's a Brother and seems like one I can grow with but also it is not too fancy for my beginnerness.  My first project is going to be a t-shirt quilt of all my Aggie and Grace Bible Church shirts.  I can't wait to make it!  And thanks to Aunt Cheryl for giving me step by step directions on how to make one!


Albus Adventures said...

I asked for sewing lessons and my mom's machine she isn't using any more for Christmas! Maybe we can sew together sometime, once I learn or take another class together!

Holly said...

Yea!! I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to see all your new sewing crafties! :)

Jenny said...

Please oh please let me know how this goes! I'm thinking this may be my next homemaking skills venture!