Sunday, July 12, 2009

Houston Project

This week is finally it! We and so many others have worked hard to prepare for this event for a while now. We've been working on it and recruiting leaders and volunteers since the beginning of May. It seemed so far away when we started and now its here!

Houston Project is a city-wide event put on by the church Ben and I attend. Groups of people from the church go to different smaller churches around the Houston area. The goal is to help the local church reach the people in their area so that they may learn about Jesus and believe in Him and get involved in the church in their neighborhood. Ben and I are leading one of the groups that is partnering with a smaller Spanish speaking church. The pastor and people of this church are so gracious and kind. We can't wait to get to minister to them and hopefully help their church grow and reach the community. So, if you think about it, please be praying for us and the other sites for safety, wisdom, soft hearts and for people to come to believe in Jesus as their Savior. We're offering them free dinner every night but ultimately, we want to show them the freedom from their sins they are offered by Jesus Christ. He died for each of us in our place on the cross and then rose three days later conquering death. We now by simply beliving in Him can have Eternal Life with Jesus in Heaven. Praise the Lord!
If you want to sign up, its not too late. Just go to and pick your site.

1 comment:

meditations said...

We are praying so fervently for you guys this week. We are excited to see what God will do.