Saturday, February 6, 2010

Gofer it!

Sometimes I think about what I hear daily and I wish so much that someone else could be in the same room as me.

"Mrs. Cooper, you look funny." "Ummm ok, why?" "Your lips are blue." (Overhead marker incident!)

"I'm rooting for the Saints now!" "Really?! Because they've never won before?" "No, because if they win, the Texans go to the Superbowl!" ???? Who knows where that came from!

"8 multiplicated by 7 is 56."

My poor bilingual students. I am notorious for mumbling and as all of us do, I slur my words together. Sitting on the bus for a field trip, I said to the girl next to me, "Gottanuf room?" "What??" "Gottanuf room?" I repeated. "What??" "Do you have enough space?" "Oh yes."

Also, my kids have picked up that I say "Go for it" a lot. But it comes out "Gofer it" and now they are repeating it having no idea what they are really saying. I love my job.