Sunday, March 21, 2010

The break is over...

It's the last night of Spring Break. Ben is still out of town and will actually spend the night at my parents house without me and fly back home tomorrow morning. The end of the week, I got to spend time with my brother, Keith, then with my sister. We had the best time just sitting in my sister's fancy living room and talking with me, my sister Anne, and my mom. Saturday night, I got out of town before the snow started and got in late back home. It was great to be away but its always good to be home. I'm thankful that home is somewhere I look forward to being back to. God has blessed us. When i walked in the door, I was met with an irritated cry from Carlos, as if to say, Where have you been??! Now all I need is for Ben to be here with me. Here's some pics I got from the weekend...
I went to a shower for Jamie's sister Jessica and we got a traditional 4-some picture. Us 4 girls did everything together in High School and Junior high. We have countless "four-some" pictures.

This is my brother Keith and I after lunch at the park with mom. Notice the amazing car in the background - yes its a Ferrari. Keith was more excited than I was.

I do look forward to seeing my kids tomorrow and getting back to normal. I like normal. It's gonna be a good week back!

1 comment:

Jamie B said...

love the 4 some pic :) Will you text or email it to me?
can't wait to see you soon! Hope things are going well and you enjoy your short work week.