Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Carlos!

This month is Carlos's birthday. We got him in in March of last year from CAP when he was 3 or 4 months old so he is now a year old!! And yes, Carlos is my cat. Give me a break...I don't have kids yet :) so I'm allowed to post about my pets.

So hmmm Carlos has gotten to be a big cat. I'm not sure how much he weighs, but he's just big. He loves to play fetch with hair twisties or little foam balls. He likes to snuggle but only when he wants to and he's very active - runs around the house all the time. Happy Birthday Carlos!!!

Historically, the first birthday of my cats has been celebrated. When I was in fourth grade and my white cat Little Kitty (I was so creative with her name) turned one, we actually gave her a birthday party. And not just any party... a swim party and I'm sure she loved it. I invited all my little friends and we swam and then sang happy birthday to the cat while she was sitting on a stool at the table with a can of food and a candle in front of her. My mom was so sweet! Oh how I wish I had the picture to post!

Baby Carlos (March 09) after he had just stepped in hot wax

Carlos Today...such a sweet face!


Holly said...

I can't believe I'm saying this...Happy Birthday Carlos! :) The wax picture cracked me up! I saw you in Austin that night! It's really a cute picture, he looks so innocent! And he's very grown up & handsome now. :)

Jamie B said...

aww happy birthday carlos! wish I could have been there to help celebrate :)
love ya and miss you!

mkp said...

Well Happy Birthday Carlos! You have turned into a beautiful young cat! I do have those little kitty birthday pics somewhere. Maybe I can find them. Life is sooooo Fun, especially living with Lynn!

Anonymous said...

Yay, Happy b-day Carlos! I am so glad you joined us for prayer this morning! You've got a great family to live with, too! ;)