Monday, February 2, 2009

Shadow of Colossus

I am coming to love reading. I never just loved it as a kid and definitely in High School and College I wasn't the biggest reader. I would read some Christian non-fiction books but even those would take me months to finish. In High School, I have to admit that for many books in English class I read the cliff notes instead and vowed to go back and read them in the summer to make myself feel ok about it. I'm still working on that promise. Who knows why I couldn't get into books. Well, getting married changes oh so many things and this is one of them. Ben loves to read and can literally sit for hours at a time and read. He doesn't fall asleep, he is not distracted...he just reads. Well, wanting to join in this with him, I have become a reader. I love fiction although I have to vary the type and intensity. In December, I finished the last of the Harry Potter books. Awesome books. Then I was without book for a while. Then just randomly, I went to the Christian bookstore and just took a chance with the one above, The Shadow of Colossus. I loved the Mark of the Lion series and this seemed similar. It's set in Ancient Greece and follows a young woman. It has a little bit of a love story to it but it's mostly focused on other events. It turned out to be awesome. So I recommend it if you're looking for a good fiction book to read. You can borrow it from me if you want!


Jana said...

Ooh could I borrow it? I have been reading a lot lately, but I am kind of ready to break it up with some fiction.

Oh and congrats on the house! Looks pretty! Where is it??

meditations said...

Remind me to read this. If you like it, I will like it. I love my sweet daughter-in-law!