Saturday, September 15, 2012

Lately in other news...(in pictures)

Lately in other news unbaby related...

...I have found some time to do some crafts.  Mostly for gifts but either way its just so relaxing to me and engages the creative part of my brain.  I made this wreath x2 for gifts.  I used book pages glued onto cardstock and folded for the leaves...I'm loving it.

...Carlos (huge, grey) and Polly (average, thumbs, orange) have become bester friends than ever given their world (me) has found a new love (Caleb).  I often find them snuggling in the middle of the day somewhere else together.  Makes me a little sad but I'm glad they're comforting each other.  (If you're not a cat person, I'm sure you think I'm crazy right now).

...Have figured out how to applique onsies.  I made 2 others for a friend and want to make some for Caleb too.  

...Ben Cooper turned 30 years old.  30.  Years.  Old.  

...Also this Benjamin Cooper shot a 71 and tied for first in the Houston City Amateur Qualifier Event.  FIRST.  He'll play the actual tournament on October 5-7.  I get to go watch him and stand on the green and cheer.  We're so excited!

...we get a little exhausted sometimes.

....Have had time to clean out basically every area of my house during naps and as Caleb plays.  This is my craft room.  I love having a 4th bedroom right now to use as my craft and projects room.  We have talked about downsizing to a smaller house but I would really miss the playroom area upstairs and having this 4th bedroom.  I love having this open floor area to spread out and do crafts.  It's just right down the hall from Caleb and is great for afternoon crafts while he naps.  The cats love the huge window also.  

I'm loving the time at home to be with Caleb but its also healthy for us stay-at-home-moms to have other interests and hobbies outside of these precious babes.  Its hard sometimes to pull away but I think its good for Dad to have some time with baby and makes for a happier, more engaged mama when she returns.  


Fiona said...

Good for you for taking some time to do some crafts.... I love your craft room!! Now that summer is over I plan to get back into sewing very soon... and maybe even some new crafts.. we'll see! Aww love your kitties. We have one orange and one grayish (with white) too. The orange one loves the baby for some reason (even though she pulls his fur) and wants to be wherever she is! :)

Katie said...

What a wonderful wreath! You did such a great job!