Sunday, May 16, 2010

Weekend In Review

I don't usually do this, but today I will give you a rundown of our weekend. Minute-by-minute with pictures to illustrate. It was one of those crazy-no-down-time-weekends that are great fun but not restful. I like them every once in a while.

Friday night was the annual AR Lock-In for students who met their reading goals. Actually it only lasted until 7pm (just enough time to get stuck in the torrential downpour) so I'm really not quite sure why its called a Lock-In. Anyways, Ben in his sweetness came and we were supposed to be assigned to kickball. Well the rain took care of that so our station turned into Bingo. First graders are not very good at Bingo. But they are oh-so-cute trying to play it.

Saturday morning, because we missed our Friday night date, Ben and I went to IHOP for a breakfast date (the best kind in my opinion). Did you know they actually have a "healthy" menu at IHOP? It's still IHOP but health-IER none the less. Wheat bread, turkey bacon and such. Saturday lunch we went to a Blueprints Crawfish boil which was delicious and yet painful for the spicy-ness wimps such as I. I ate about 6 of the suckers and then gave up. Corn and potatoes was my meal.

Then (and yes we're still on Saturday!), I went to a baby shower for Amanda. She's the one I made the diaper cake below for to be the centerpiece of her school shower. It was fun with games galore and yummy treats.

Today, we went to church, ate lunch at 5 Guys (chosen by others over El Rey - a tragedy!), and went to see Iron Man 2. Good movie, although I did some sleeping in the middle. If you know me though, this probably doesn't surprise you. Now I sitting here blogging, about to heat up some spaghetti and go to the grocery store. And that's a wrap.

BCE 3rd grade team
Tuesday's school baby shower for Amanda. It all turned out adorable and delicious!

Me, Erica, and Amanda
Amanda's other Shower. I'm going to miss these girls next year when I move to 2nd grade!!!!

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