Today, we were power shoppers. We had a plan, a mapped out route and a list that would impress you. We went to...get ready...
Mardel, Target, Macys, James Avery, Pottery Barn, Williams Sonoma, Cobblestone Cottage, Ya Ya Club, Wal-Mart, Hobby Lobby, Mimosa Rose, HEB, a few old town Katy antique stores, and of course Chick-fil-A. We were going to go to Old Navy and Aldo but I forgot my returns in the middle of the living room floor (don't you hate that!?).
Ben was an excellent driver. He would drop me off so I could get started shopping and then park and come in, or just stay in the car and wait. And he kept me from getting too stressed by periodically semi-tackling me, hugging me, or suggesting ridiculous gifts. Overall, we were a great Christmas shopping team.
One more week of school, then another week of rest and family fun and then Christmas!